Frantoio Morani

The Morani Nicola Oil Mill was built in Polpenazze del Garda in the centre of the Valtenesi valley in 1955. Located on the morainic hills that form a natural amphitheatre on the Brescia side of Lake Garda.

olive press with Baveno granite millstones for pressing the olives; subsequently the oil is extracted from the pulp using presses.

In this delicate phase, the pulp is spread onto circular filters, and stacked on a trolley, which is then placed inside the press (a traditional press).

Here, in one hour of processing, the pressure reaches 400 atm and the oil comes out of the pulp using solely mechanical pressure.

As a result using this age-old type of plant, our oil is characterised by its precise sweet and delicate taste. It is never spicy or bitter, suitable for immediate use after pressing, but above all suitable with any type of food, because it is always enhances and never overpowers.


Polpenazze Del Garda
Via dei Ronchi 46, Italy


Tel. 0365674062


Monday to Saturday 8:30 to 12:00 - 14:00 to 18:30
Sunday from 9:00 to 12:00